Are you a University Student starting your Texas Dream Job in the Next 1 – 12 Months?
Our 100% FREE SERVICE will save you HOURS of time & remove your apartment finding stress so you can finish the year in peace. We serve university grads moving to Dallas, Houston and Austin. And we LOVE taking great care of our College Grads!!! ———————————————————–
Eliminate Stress
Focus on What Matters
Save Time & Money
Moving to a New City is Stressful Enough
Congratulations! You got the job! Now you just need to find that safe, affordable place to live, in a great neighborhood, near a bunch of awesome people that you don’t currently know.
That may feel overwhelming to you, but we do it every day.
You’ve got amazing relationships waiting for you in your new city.
You deserve to know where they are.
Get back to what matters
Here’s how HomeBase Service works
Create your account
Find your Place & your People
Finish the School year in peace!
Get started for free!
Daily or Weekly reporting of apartment matches
Deal alerts
Secure a place 6-12 months before move in date
New City Orientation
Room mate alerts
Get alerted when alumni move to your city
Connect with your school’s young alumni association
Adjustable privacy filters

Adulting 101:
Five things college students MUST know to make it in the professional world.
How do you know you’re in a safe neighborhood? How do you find a room mate you’ll get along with? All the answers you need!
Download this Free Ebook to find out.
Get Ready For Your New City Orientation
You need to find a place that is safe and affordable but also matches your style.
Doing that requires going beyond questions like “how much is rent?” and “does it have a master bathroom?”
We’ve helped thousands of college grads move to cities all over Texas by having 15 minute New City Orientation phone calls where you tell us about you, and we’ll tell you what parts of town you should consider.
That way you won’t just move to a new city. You’ll pick up right where you left off.
That way you won’t just move to a new city.
You’ll pick up right where you left off.
Tell us where you're moving, and we'll send you some helpful info.
- Popular rental areas for recent grads
- Neighborhood "Personas"
- Points of interest
- Great hangouts
- and more!
Fill out the form to get more info:
Note: There are over 1,100 cities and towns in Texas! If yours isn't listed, just give us a call.
We can still help.